

The app that lets you talk to any book or document.

ReadMy.Ai is a revolutionary learning app that allows you to chat with any book or document and get instant answers to your questions. Whether you need to study for a test, write an essay, or learn a new skill, ReadMy.Ai will help you master any topic in minutes.


How does our app work and what can it do for you?

Explore the features of our app that make it unique and useful for students or avid readers of all levels and subjects.


Upload any book or document from your device or cloud storage and convert it into a digital format.

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Creates a chat-bot based on the uploaded book or document that can answer your questions about the material.

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Quiz and Review

Create quizzes from your questions and store them in your account for later review.

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What is our app and why do you need it?

Learn how our app can help you interact with any book or document and get answers to your questions quickly and easily.

Upload and Convert

Upload any book or document and convert it to digital format. Scan physical books or documents with your camera. Support for various file types.

Chat and Learn

Create a chat bot from any book or document and ask questions about the material. Get accurate and relevant answers using AI and LLMs. Ask for explanations, examples, or summaries.

Quiz and Review

Create quizzes from your questions and save them for later review. Get automatic questions based on your queries. Customize the quizzes and review them anytime. Get feedback and tips.

Track and Progress

Track your progress and performance with our dashboard. See how many books, documents, questions, quizzes, and scores you have. See your strengths and weaknesses and get recommendations.

Share and Collaborate

Share your questions, prompts, quizzes, and results with others using our app. Collaborate by asking or answering questions, giving or receiving feedback, or joining study groups. Learn from others and build a community. Control the privacy and access of your shared items.

Enjoy and Explore

Create your own library of books or documents that you can access anytime. Textbooks will be available for 120 days and will be automatically removed after the semester ends, so you can save space and get ready for the next semester.

What book do you want to see?

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5900 Balcones Rd.
Suite 5131
Austin TX, 78731